From the Editors

| September 20, 2011 | 4 Comments

Dear Readers:

Jonathan Mills, Executive Editor

Well, the day we have all been waiting for is finally upon us.When we started this magazine back in March of this year, our main goal was to be a source of outreach and support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender troops in the military — a group that often feels like there is no one to turn to in times of need. We both knew when we started this magazine that we were just the latest two people among a long line of fellow patriots who have blazed a path before us. Throughout the tumultuous year of 2010, when it seemed like DADT would never come up for a full vote in the United States Senate, we would often console one another with the hope that one day, we would be able to tell our stories without shame, fear, and most importantly, discharge.

When the law finally passed, like everyone else, we were elated — but we both knew that our work was only just beginning. There were far too many stories to tell; stories of soldiers sent off to war, knowing full-well that their loved ones back at home would receive little support, stories of combat-hardened leaders on their second, third, and sometimes fourth deployment who wanted nothing more but to serve their country openly, without sacrificing their integrity. Duty, honor, courage … these are universal ideals that drive any soldier, sailor, airman, Marine, or Coastguard, regardless of their sexual orientation.

Eddy Sweeney, Managing Editor

Outgoing Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, summed up these sentiments best, when testifying before Congress: “We have in place a policy, which forces young men and women to lie about who they are in order to defend their fellow citizens. For me, personally, it comes down to integrity.” … a simple statement, which has had a powerful, moving impact on all those who have served and continue to serve.

We’d like to open this issue with some words we received from a reader who served in the military prior to DADT — one who, unfortunately, never got to serve openly, but whose love for this country is plainly obvious: “We have forbearers. A path was blazed before us. And we have true martyrs. People died in this war, some in body and some in spirit — I don’t know which is worse. Imagine, for just a moment, the old men and women who lived in shame for decades after receiving disgraceful discharges, and who then took the pain of their truths to the nation’s capital city and demanded that justice be done. They started you on your path. You owe them a great, great debt.”
While we could never possibly repay them for all they’ve sacrificed, we will honor those sacrifices — through each story, voice, and heart.

Jonathan Mills & Eddy Sweeney,

Category: Editor's Corner

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  1. Trent Jones says:

    Thank you for widely publizing the destruction of our united states army. I am deeply disgusted with homosexuality. I do not wish to serve with openly gay soliders. Though, obviously i have servef with them in the past, i do not wish for the fairy to be in my face about it. This is a huge mistake for our military and in time, you will see this too. I am not a officer, i do not sit behind a desk and make descions that i think will be good on my political career. i am an NCO. I know the troops on a personal level. An over whelming percent of soliders do not wish for this repeal. What a huge mistake..

    • Rudolf Charel says:

      In many armed forces “gays in the military” has been accepted and bigots with pre conceived ideas like yours have been proved wrong.

      Not all gays are “fairies” and none will proposition you.
      So, relax and do your duty as most gay colleagues
      will do theirs.

      All people have the right to be treated equally no matter the position they are in.

    • Jeffrey Feldman says:

      If you are so “deeply disgusted with homosexuality”, then maybe you need to search your soul for the reason why. Could it be that you, like most homophobes, are supressing your own homosexual tendencies?

  2. Norman Sullivan says:

    I’m retired Air Force MSgt and trust me, it’s been my experience with guys with your attitude that it’s usually repressed homosexual feelings followed by anger that no one wants your ugly ass. So go stress your anger out like you usually do, probably in clandestine public sex outings in bathrooms and adult stores with nameless strangers. Also I’d think twice about your career choice because with your attitude, you are hardly military command material.

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