About OutServeMag

OutServe is a non-profit organization, with a network of over 40 chapters of 4,000+ actively serving Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, & Transgendered military professionals who come from all Services and are stationed around the world – and our growth is exploding! OutServe is a leader in providing public information regarding issues that affect actively serving LGBT military personnel, and have just launched a brand-new print publication – the first of its kind – that will be distributed not only to OutServe members, but also to select military installations world-wide, absolutely free!

The bi-monthly OutServe Magazine highlights the contributions that actively serving LGBTs are making to the United States military, discusses and educates readers about DADT repeal policies, and advocates for the continued fight for equality for all Americans. Our first electronic-only issue of the magine that was distributed in March to our network members, as well as released to the press, had over 10,000 impressions within the first 48 hours and was met with an overwhelming show of support from the public, the Department of Defense, and the Obama administration. News organizations such as MSNBC, CNN, Der Spiegel, Stars and Stripes, and Military Times reached out to cover the launch, and radio shows such as the Stephanie Miller Show had our members on-air to talk about the magazine, DADT repeal, and OutServe in general.We are confident that our readership will continue to multiply with future print versions and a rapidly expanding membership.

Military units may requests free subscriptions to the print version of OutServe Magazine by emailing distribution@outserve.org.


OutServe Magazine is an initiative founded and operated solely by non-Department of Defense affiliates. While Magazine content is managed primarily by actively serving military professionals, the articles, advertisements, and artwork in this publication do not reflect the opinions or official position of the Department of Defense or the United States Government.