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OutServe Magazine | June 3, 2014

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About Eddy Sweeney

Eddy Sweeney

Eddy Sweeney

Eddy Sweeney, one of the founding editors of this publication, serves as OutServe Magazine's chief opinion writer. He is an active-duty Air Force Intelligence Officer currently stationed in Texas and holds both political science and English degrees from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, graduating Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa.

Posts By Eddy Sweeney

PROUST! Successfully Navigating Europe

December 31, 2012 |

Stationed in or traversing through Germany? Check out these European travel tipsRead More

Brown v. Board of Education: The Sequel?

December 7, 2012 | Comments

It is now official; in less then seven months from today, the United States could grant gay and lesbian Americans the right to marry in all fifty states. Or just some. None at all. Or punt the issue entirely. Wait, what?Read More

A Historic Win

November 7, 2012 | Comments
2008 Democratic National Convention: Day 4

By Eddy Sweeney

In a historic moment for the United States, President Barack Obama has been reelected as the 44th President, the first African American to win reelection in our nation’s history.  OutServe-SLDN newly installed Executive Director, Allyson Robinson, praised tonight’s decision:  “It’s clear from tonight’s results that Americans have no desire to turn the clock back on our drive to full equality.” Read More

OutServe Magazine’s Election Predictions

November 4, 2012 | Comments

Races and Ballot initiatives to Watch

By Eddy Sweeney

Is it just me or does it seem like the 2012 campaign has been going on since the founding of our esteemed Republic?  As a self-professed political junkie, who spends any spare moment frantically checking Twitter, the Political Wire, or Real Clear Politics for new polling updates, even I’m exhausted.  But alas, in less than 24 hours, the results of this year’s historic election will finally be revealed. Read More

Gay Is Good

September 12, 2012 | Comments
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By Eddy Sweeney, Chief Columnist

Sept. 20, 2011, may have been the day that “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) officially ended in the United States, but the moment of truth for me came a few months later, during Christmas. It was our group’s holiday party, and I was bringing my boyfriend to the festivities. Throughout my time serving under DADT, Read More

Being Queer in 2012 Means Being Out

July 27, 2012 |
Eddy Sweeney

“’I don’t want to be treated any differently then my straight peers; I just want to live my life,’ was a sentiment expressed often from active-duty troops when I asked why they chose to remain closeted after DADT repeal … Though I deeply respect them wanting privacy, I have come to believe that such silence can no longer be tolerated in 2012.”Read More

Power Players: The Ambassador

January 31, 2012 |
Ambassador Hormel_Fit to Serve_Book Cover

Despite his lavish upbringing, Ambassador Hormel remembers always having felt “different from other little boys.” When pressed by what he meant, the Ambassador said: “[My sexuality] was awkward and uncomfortable and isolating. I wanted to be like everyone else.”Read More

Editors’ Corner – The Repeal Issue

November 25, 2011 | Comments


As we transition to a post-repeal environment where Gays and Lesbians can openly serve side-by-side with their colleagues, it seems important to us here at the Magazine to describe where we see the future of both OutServe Magazine and our sister organizations moving forward. At our first OutServe Armed Forces Leadership Summit in Las Vegas this past October, many readers asked: “How does the Magazine plan to stay relevant now that “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) is gone?” It is an important question and something I’d like to address. Read More

Courage: An Intelligence Officer Finds Courage – In a Ring

September 20, 2011 | Comments

I could feel the sweat starting to pour down the nape of my back. The room, which a moment earlier was fairly cool, became almost stiflingly hot. SSgt H bored into me with her eyes…Read More