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A federal appeals court ruled the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional; the Senate and House of Representatives have both introduced the Respect for Marriage Act, which would repeal DOMA; and the President has openly voiced his support for gay marriage and the repeal of DOMA, while also directing the Department of Justice to cease defending the discriminatory law on the grounds of its unconstitutionality.
Add your voice of support to the national conversation. Send a copy of the latest OutServe Magazine “Families” edition to your congress members. Costing only 30 dollars to send to ALL of your congress members, It’s easy, it’s quick, and most importantly, it’s coming from you, their constituent. Your congress member will be able to see first-hand how DOMA affects your life. They will read the moving stories of families who lack the same support their straight counterparts receive, and they will see the faces of countless LGB military families.