Author Archives: Brauer Matt

About Matt Brauer

Matt Brauer is an Army Reserve captain who most recently served with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and lives in San Francisco, Calif. He currently does political consulting, freelance writing and attends graduate school. Brauer serves as the OutServe Magazine blog political correspondent.

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Election 2012: Will DADT Repeal be Undone

Election 2012: Will DADT Repeal be Undone

By Matt Brauer

With the Iowa Caucus and New Hampshire primary in the rear view mirror, Service members again find themselves at the center of national debates over the wars, military spending, and an issue we thought was a done deal: the repeal of DADT. While Sept. 20 was a watershed mark for civil rights, it is, by no means, a settled matter in the eyes of social conservatives. In fact, many elected officials and influential Tea Party activists favor re-enacting the old policy. For example, William Temple, chairman of the Founding Fathers Tea Party, warned in May 2011 of the “effeminization” of the military and tied reinstatement of DADT to last year’s debt ceiling fight.

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