Author Archives: Simpson Neal

About Neal Simpson

Neal Simpson is a Captain in the United States Marine Corps, a combat veteran, and recent company commander whose blogger voice will help military leaders work through issues concerning Don’t Ask Don’t Tell repeal.

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Cancerous Leaders Must Change Course

Cancerous Leaders Must Change Course

By Neal Simpson

The millennial generation (i.e.-E-1 through E-5) doesn’t seem to mind. The senior commanders understand the political implications, thus refuse to complain or publically question the decision. The young officers are a product of a generational sensitivity that transcends any personal or moral objections they once possessed. What remains are two distinct groups of service members—mid-level commanders/staff officers (i.e.-field grade) and senior enlisted leaders (i.e.-staff non-commissioned officers/chief petty officers.) These two groups represent the greatest challenge facing the full acceptance of the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell within the ranks of the U.S. Armed Forces.

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