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OutServe Magazine | January 17, 2015

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Finding My Voice

June 4, 2013 |
Finding My Voice

When I joined the Air Force, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) remained in effect, if only for a little while. I was jubilant when I heard that Congress had lifted the policy as I waited in line to receive my rifle one morning. At that exact moment, I recall hearing a Sergeant, who I looked up to, mutter under his breath just loud enough for the rest of us to hear, “fucking faggots,” as he stormed past the clearing barrel. In this moment I fully understood that although DADT was gone, there was much work to be done. And as a brand new Airman, I remained silent. I even felt the need to express my own dissatisfaction with the repeal of the law to avoid hostile retribution. Read More

Impatient for Equality

April 15, 2013 |
Sue Fulton, left, and Penelope Gnesin exchange wedding vows at West Point's Cadet Chapel in December. (Photo: Jeff Sheng, OutServe-SLDN via AP)

Last week, an editorial ran in USA Today with a photo of my wife Penny and me getting married at the West Point Cadet Chapel (and has been removed after publication). The editorial was the latest in a set of arguments from the anti-marriage-equality side suggesting that they hold no malice in their hearts towards gay people; it’s not about hate at all, it’s about… well, the arguments keep shifting. There seems to be a growing recognition that just citing the Bible doesn’t work anymore since we remembered that we don’t make our laws based on what some people believe about the Bible. And there is solid Biblical scholarship out there that the Bible doesn’t actually condemn loving adult gay relationships. Read More

Brown v. Board of Education: The Sequel?

December 7, 2012 | Comments

It is now official; in less then seven months from today, the United States could grant gay and lesbian Americans the right to marry in all fifty states. Or just some. None at all. Or punt the issue entirely. Wait, what?Read More

Cover Story: Allyson Robinson

December 3, 2012 | Comments
Allyson Robinson, her wife Danyelle and their four children at their home in Maryland. Photo taken by Jo Ann Santangelo for her multimedia essay, Proud to Serve: Portraits of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Veterans.

“We need to continue to press for equity of benefits for all of our service members … Many of these benefits can be given with the stroke of a pen, right now.”Read More

Gay Is Good

September 12, 2012 | Comments
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By Eddy Sweeney, Chief Columnist

Sept. 20, 2011, may have been the day that “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) officially ended in the United States, but the moment of truth for me came a few months later, during Christmas. It was our group’s holiday party, and I was bringing my boyfriend to the festivities. Throughout my time serving under DADT, Read More

Being Queer in 2012 Means Being Out

July 27, 2012 |
Eddy Sweeney

“’I don’t want to be treated any differently then my straight peers; I just want to live my life,’ was a sentiment expressed often from active-duty troops when I asked why they chose to remain closeted after DADT repeal … Though I deeply respect them wanting privacy, I have come to believe that such silence can no longer be tolerated in 2012.”Read More

Service Women’s Action Network

May 30, 2012 | Comments

Service Women’s Action Network (SWAN) Makes Strides Against Sexual Assault

By Liza Swart

The Service Women’s Action Network held Truth and Justice: The 2012 Summit on Military Sexual Violence, May 8, in Washington, D.C.

SWAN sees itself as a civil rights organization, and continues to research and advocate on LGBT-specific issues, with a focus on issues of sexual violence.  Their vision is to make the military a safe workplace and to see the end of sexual violence in the military, resulting in a more connected and equal environment for LGBT members.

“This was the first mass globalization for sexual assault survivors on Capitol Hill,” said Katy Otto, SWAN spokesperson. “This is significant because there have been a lot of stories in the press, especially about sexual assault in the military, but those stories have not included LGBT survivors. The summit provided opportunities to get those voices out to the media.” Read More

How We Won

March 29, 2012 |

I worked on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) repeal for more than a decade, and as can be expected, some days were better than others.Read More

On Coming Out

September 20, 2011 | Comments
On Coming Out

As always, the OutServe membership continues to impress me with their strength and courage. I am extremely proud of every troop who submitted their picture and bio to be published in this issue of OutServe Magazine. Coming out is never an easy process, and doing so in such a public manner makes you a prime example for other troops who are currently struggling with their own sexuality. Read More