September, 2011
Ask Sarge: Getting Orders
Dear Sergeant, I am in a same-sex relationship right now and I have just received orders to Texas. My main issue is that I am in love with the girl that I am with, and when [...]
101 Faces of Courage
We serve in every country, in every conflict, and in every career field. We serve because we are committed to our country. We serve to protect those we love. We serve because we are dedicated to [...]
Proud to Serve: A Photo Essay & Multi-Media Exhibit by Jo Ann Santangelo
Proud to Serve is a portrait essay and multimedia piece featuring lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) American service members who served their country in silence or were discharged under the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law. [...]
Pride: N’s Perspective
“Pride” means many things to each of us: happiness at what we’ve accomplished as a repressed group of people, or admiration at those who have gone before us and trailblazed a path toward full equality. [...]
On Coming Out
As soon as we got back to the house, I told them I needed to talk to them about something. Before my parents could scatter about their Saturday business, I brought them into the family room [...]
Courage: An Intelligence Officer Finds Courage – In a Ring
I could feel the sweat starting to pour down the nape of my back. The room, which a moment earlier was fairly cool, became almost stiflingly hot. SSgt H bored into me with her eyes... [...]
Kate Clinton: An Interview with ‘Lady HAHA’
Miller: So what have you been up to these days? Clinton: Well, last night I attended a dinner for the National Center for Lesbian Rights. They do such great work, and since it was the [...]
Our Time: Breaking the Silence of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” – the book
The publication of OUR TIME: BREAKING THE SILENCE OF “DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL” (The Penguin Press / $24.95 hardcover), edited by Josh Seefried, co-founder and co-director of OutServe, coincides with the repeal of DADT and marks [...]
OutServe Hosts First Armed Forces Leadership Summit
On October 13, 2011, OutServe, the largest network of actively serving LGBT military personnel, will be kicking off its first annual Armed Forces Leadership Summit at the New York New York Hotel and Casino. Read more... [...]
Editor’s Corner
Dear Readers: Well, the day we have all been waiting for is finally upon us.When we started this magazine back in March of this year, our main goal was to be a source of outreach and [...]
Truly Trans? A Call for Unity
Penny, I can not speak for your son. However, hormones are not a bad t
Truly Trans? A Call for Unity
Just Jennifer = just bighead = just loopy = just egotistical = just he
Truly Trans? A Call for Unity
That's okay. I respect people's right to be ignorant fools. Now, I agr
Truly Trans? A Call for Unity
Well, let"s just say that I value reality over fantasy. When someone s
Truly Trans? A Call for Unity
Actually Just Jennifer, while there is alot you say I agree with, ther