: ' Pride'

Weekly News Roll-Up July 16 – 22

Weekly News Roll-Up July 16 – 22

by Shaun Knittel Online News Editor For the first time in our nation’s history, U.S. military marchers wearing uniforms were cheered at a gay pride parade in San Diego, CA over the weekend. And while not [...]

Raising the Flag… and Raising Hackles

Raising the Flag… and Raising Hackles

by Jeremy Johnson By now, most of us in military LGBT circles have seen the images of a Pride flag being “raised” over a tent in Afghanistan.  The picture was posted to a Facebook group and [...]

‘Out’ and Kosher

‘Out’ and Kosher

By David Small In high school Latin class, Mrs. Gray caught me giving photocopies of my homework translations to my friend. She said it wasn’t “kosher.” We were allowed to help each other with homework, but [...]