: ' log cabin republicans'

Weekly News Roll-Up September 6 – 11

Weekly News Roll-Up September 6 – 11

By Shaun Knittel Online News Editor A new study by the Palm Center, which conducts research on sexual minorities in the military, has found that the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) has had no [...]

Conservative LGBT Groups in Uphill Fight

Conservative LGBT Groups in Uphill Fight

The obsessive exclusion of gay couples, including military families, from the rights and responsibilities of marriage, combined with bizarre rhetoric about 'hate campaigns' and 'the homosexual rights agenda' are clear signs of desperation among social conservatives [...]

Op-Ed: Romney Needs to be Battle-Focused in November

Op-Ed: Romney Needs to be Battle-Focused in November

Romney Needs to be Battle-Focused in November: Gay or straight, evangelical or atheist, even Republican or Democrat, voters in the 2012 general electorate are looking for solutions to the economy. [...]