June, 2012

SLDN Praises Bill to Extend Benefits and Support to All Military Spouses

SLDN Praises Bill to Extend Benefits and Support to All Military Spouses

by David Small Check out what OutServe’s sister organization, the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, said about yesterday’s introduction of HR 6046, the Military Spouses Equal Treatment Act of 2012(MSET) that would change the definition of “spouse” in [...]

The Invisible T: At Columbus Pride

The Invisible T: At Columbus Pride

By Brynn Tannehill Most LGBT members of the military have spent the majority of their lives learning to blend in with the crowd.  Prior to military service we hid our orientation or gender identity.  We all [...]

OutServe Colorado chapter responds as wildfire spreads, threatens USAFA

OutServe Colorado chapter responds as wildfire spreads, threatens USAFA

by Shaun Knittel OutServe Blog Associate Editor Firefighters continue to struggle against a wildfire at the edge of Colorado Springs, Colorado’s second-most populates city, that doubled in size overnight, forcing 32,000 people from their homes, and [...]

Introducing OutServe Magazine’s Transgender Voice

Introducing OutServe Magazine’s Transgender Voice

Editor’s Note: Brynn Tannehill joins the OutServe Magazine team with the posting of this introduction. She will be writing from the perspective of a transgender former military officer. Stay tuned for a series of consecutive posts [...]

The Boy Scout’s Moral Obligation

The Boy Scout’s Moral Obligation

Do the Boy Scouts have a moral obligation to include LGBT members, even though they have no legal obligation to do so? by Neal Simpson In a press release on June 7, 2012, Boy Scouts of [...]

Pentagon Pride

Pentagon Pride

Department of Defense Celebrates Pride Month By David Small Devoid of the rainbow flag, and with no glitter, drag queens or cliche feather boas, the Pentagon leadership held a somber yet groundbreaking event today celebrating diversity, equality and the lengths they [...]

Chaplains’ View: Same-Sex Marriage

Chaplains’ View: Same-Sex Marriage

"Military chaplains exist to serve our military members. Period. The job of the chaplain is to 'perform or provide' the religious ceremonies that the service member requests. Those who would deny these patriots the right to [...]

Outrage after GOProud Endorses Mitt Romney

Outrage after GOProud Endorses Mitt Romney

by Shaun Knittel OutServe Blog Associate Editor The board of directors of GOProud, a conservative gay rights group, voted June 19 to endorse Republican Mitt Romney for president, citing his economic positions while noting differences with [...]

When the Tears Finally Fell

When the Tears Finally Fell

By Jeremy K. Johnson It’s been a little over five years since I handed a coming out letter to my Commanding Officer while serving aboard USS Frank Cable in Guam.  He told me then that the [...]

Weekly News Roll Up June 11 – 15

Weekly News Roll Up June 11 – 15

By Shaun Knittel Pride celebrations are taking place around the world this month, right on schedule. But the last place most Americans would associate an LGBT Pride celebration would be the Pentagon. But all that changed [...]
