September, 2012
Weekly News Roll-Up September 12 – 17
By Shaun Knittel Online News Editor As the U.S. approaches the first anniversary of the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” this week, Sept. 20, all who warned of tragic consequences if gay and lesbian troops [...]
Trans and the Military FAQ
About a month ago I interviewed David McKean, head of the Servicemember’s Legal Defense Network (SLDN) regarding legal and UCMJ issues surrounding being trans in the military. David emphasized that every situation is differs in the [...]
Obama Presses Supreme Court on Gay Marriage
By Shaun Knittel Online News Editor The Obama administration asked the Supreme Court to consider two more cases challenging the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), on Tuesday. The U.S. Department of Justice filed [...]
Midshipman Booted for Doing Gay Porn
By Shaun Knittel Online News Editor A Personnel Review Board (PRB) unanimously determined that Midshipman Andrew Koch, a FabScout model known as Patrick Hunter, be discharged from the U.S. Navy ROTC Program for doing gay pornography. [...]
Weekly News Roll-Up September 6 – 11
By Shaun Knittel Online News Editor A new study by the Palm Center, which conducts research on sexual minorities in the military, has found that the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) has had no [...]
Admiral Michael Mullen: Legacy of Integrity
"We are all human; we all fail; the real mark of who we are as leaders becomes visible when we determine what we will do when we fail—how we will handle that failure.” [...]
Let’s Go! Orlando
"Tinkerbell didn’t single-handedly turn Orlando gay with her fairy dust. As much as we’d like to think the campy euphoria that is Walt Disney World made the city a gay-favorite locale, it actually started, partly at [...]
Leave No One Behind
"Now, the LGB community carries the burden of ending the exclusion of people like me from service. Transgender people have little power to change the situation from the inside or outside. We try to smile and [...]
Gay Is Good
"It was our group's holiday party, and I was bringing my boyfriend to the festivities. Throughout my time serving under DADT, I never really 'hid' who I was from my colleagues. I was open to those [...]
War Journal: Trans & Deployed
"I choose to go by Keith. It isn’t my real name, but a pseudonym I selected to protect my identity. I am a female-to-male transgender Soldier, currently stationed in Afghanistan. At home, I am married to [...]
Truly Trans? A Call for Unity
Penny, I can not speak for your son. However, hormones are not a bad t
Truly Trans? A Call for Unity
Just Jennifer = just bighead = just loopy = just egotistical = just he
Truly Trans? A Call for Unity
That's okay. I respect people's right to be ignorant fools. Now, I agr
Truly Trans? A Call for Unity
Well, let"s just say that I value reality over fantasy. When someone s
Truly Trans? A Call for Unity
Actually Just Jennifer, while there is alot you say I agree with, ther