: ' eddy sweeney'
Being Queer in 2012 Means Being Out
“'I don’t want to be treated any differently then my straight peers; I just want to live my life,' was a sentiment expressed often from active-duty troops when I asked why they chose to remain closeted [...]
Power Players: The Ambassador
Despite his lavish upbringing, Ambassador Hormel remembers always having felt “different from other little boys.” When pressed by what he meant, the Ambassador said: “ was awkward and uncomfortable and isolating. I wanted to be [...]
Truly Trans? A Call for Unity
Penny, I can not speak for your son. However, hormones are not a bad t
Truly Trans? A Call for Unity
Just Jennifer = just bighead = just loopy = just egotistical = just he
Truly Trans? A Call for Unity
That's okay. I respect people's right to be ignorant fools. Now, I agr
Truly Trans? A Call for Unity
Well, let"s just say that I value reality over fantasy. When someone s
Truly Trans? A Call for Unity
Actually Just Jennifer, while there is alot you say I agree with, ther