: ' same-sex partner'
Chaplains’ View: Same-Sex Marriage
"Military chaplains exist to serve our military members. Period. The job of the chaplain is to 'perform or provide' the religious ceremonies that the service member requests. Those who would deny these patriots the right to [...]
Military Spouses’ Support Group Welcomes Same-Sex Partner
by Ariana Bostian-Kentes “My name is Ariana and my partner is an active-duty Army officer currently deployed to Afghanistan.” That is my introductory sentence that I rehearsed over and over again in my head before attending [...]
Truly Trans? A Call for Unity
Penny, I can not speak for your son. However, hormones are not a bad t
Truly Trans? A Call for Unity
Just Jennifer = just bighead = just loopy = just egotistical = just he
Truly Trans? A Call for Unity
That's okay. I respect people's right to be ignorant fools. Now, I agr
Truly Trans? A Call for Unity
Well, let"s just say that I value reality over fantasy. When someone s
Truly Trans? A Call for Unity
Actually Just Jennifer, while there is alot you say I agree with, ther