: ' dadt repeal anniversary'

Weekly News Roll-Up September 18 – 24

Weekly News Roll-Up September 18 – 24

By Shaun Knittel Online News Editor Last week, OutServe joined millions of Americans to observe the first anniversary of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal. There was much to celebrate: A new study had just been released [...]

A Year After DADT: In Mixed Company

A Year After DADT: In Mixed Company

Now, all you really hear is, "It's a different Air Force" or "We live in a different military now," if someone does anything "gay." [...]

A Year After DADT: Still In The Closet

A Year After DADT: Still In The Closet

A few of my comrades are aware of my sexual orientation, but I am still very much in the closet. I envy the people who bring their partner to the dining out, or a formal event, [...]

An Intrepid Night, An Intrepid Crowd

An Intrepid Night, An Intrepid Crowd

In one of many moments of joy surrounding DADT repeal, I got to meet ADM Mike Mullen, whose true compass of military values included real integrity and real respect for service members based on their heart [...]

A Year After DADT: Transgender & Transformation

A Year After DADT: Transgender & Transformation

Over the past year, as many of my brothers and sisters in arms have been coming out, so have I. Like them, most of the reactions have been neutral to positive. [...]

A Year After DADT: Becoming A Target

A Year After DADT: Becoming A Target

I wish I could tell you that my post-DADT experiences were a series of back-to-back positive accounts filled with accolades and attaboys. I wish I could tell you that, but I can’t. This is my [...]

A Year After DADT: One Soldier “Tells” Another

A Year After DADT: One Soldier “Tells” Another

"Although I’m out, I am constantly told I don’t come off as gay (to which I usually apologize for not conforming to that persons stereotypes - comically of course). At work, it has always been about [...]

Admiral Michael Mullen: Legacy of Integrity

Admiral Michael Mullen: Legacy of Integrity

"We are all human; we all fail; the real mark of who we are as leaders becomes visible when we determine what we will do when we fail—how we will handle that failure.” [...]