Featured — 27 July 2012
New Issue of OutServe Magazine!

The OutServe Magazine July/August 2012 PRIDE Issue is here!

PRIDE 2012: We marched in uniform in San Diego and participated in other Pride celebrations around the world. Our Secretary of Defense and Commander in Chief both thanked us for our service in the context of LGBT Pride Month. The Pentagon even held a Pride celebration. This issue of OutServe Magazine highlights all of these strides forward toward inclusiveness and diversity in the military community. But stories within this issue also challenge our ideas of what Pride is and what it means–the necessity to be OUT in this day and age, and the necessity to use Pride to move the ball forward for things left undone. The Pride theme continues as OutServe Magazine proudly introduces its new, regular columnist and transexual veteran as she explores what Pride meant to her in dealing with transition.

Also in this issue we get real with HIV in the military, talking to people living with the virus while serving and reminding troops that Pride also necessitates responsibility–not just in our health, but also in how and when we wear our uniform in relation to Pride events. Other features include a gastronomy tour through Charleston, and a review of a gay military Romeo and Juliet flick.



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